Heat detection as fire prevention

Broiling in a waste pile, for example, can cause a substantial fire. However, incubation is not visible; there is no smoke yet and no flames. Thermal cameras can detect scalding and alert you quickly that a dangerous situation is imminent. Thermal cameras are highly accurate and can detect the slightest rise in temperature. They require no light and suffer little or no negative conditions that are common in the waste industry, for example, such as in a hall where there is a lot of dust.

The same detection camera can be used to detect flames created by a battery fire, for example. Battery fires develop at lightning speed due to the sudden stabbing flame that occurs. By linking an automatically controlled fire monitor, immediate action can be taken in the event of an incipient fire. This makes the risk of an uncontrollable situation very low.

With the signal light, workers on the floor are alerted and informed of the fire risk category. There are three categories:

Criticism: immediate action is necessary; heat is increasing rapidly.

Substantial: heat traces should be investigated and monitored.

Normal: taking action is not necessary.


  • Fast and reliable broth and fire detection;
  • flexibly adjustable alarm threshold: optimaldetection security and it prevents unwanted alarms;
  • Advanced temperature alerts;
  • 24/7 monitoring;
  • Link with automatically controlled fire monitor;
  • Remote management with push message on smartphone possible;
  • Storage of image and measurement results;
  • Flame detection based on Video Analysis.

Flexibly adjustable alarm threshold for waste fires

For optimal detection security and prevention of unwanted alarms, multiple alarm thresholds (the temperature at which an alarm notification is sent) can be set. You can even set different alarm thresholds for working days and non-working days or working hours and non-working hours, for example. If no people are present, it is best to set a lower alarm threshold. After all, there are then no people present who can take action. You can also set the camera to sound an alarm only if the set temperature is measured for more than a certain amount of time. This prevents the heat from a passing shovel, for example, from causing an alarm.

To prevent the heat from trucks coming to load or unload outside standard hours from causing an unwanted alarm, a strike button can be placed at the entrance to a hall that allows drivers to temporarily disable the system.


Critical events are reported to the PAC control room so that targeted action can be taken. If you own the relevant app, you will be notified. In addition, you get a live view to see what the situation is like on site. Footage is always recorded so that reconstruction can take place after an incident.

Automatic extinguishing and evacuation

The broth and fire detection system can be coupled with an automatically controlled extinguishing monitor, allowing the extinguishing water to be precisely directed to the fire source. Upon arrival, it can be further controlled by remote control. You can also link the system to your fire alarm and evacuation system so that your organization is notified and the evacuation starts automatically. Depending on how you set up the system, an alarm notification goes to the PAC control room and your employees receive a push message on their smartphone. You and/or the monitoring center immediately receive the live images so there is an overview of the situation. If necessary, PRIO 1 can be passed to the fire department.


Projection according to VDS 3189 provides certainty

To ensure that the broth and fire suppression system detects properly, it is important to project and arrange carefully and correctly. The number of detection cameras and the positions chosen are crucial. Mactwin has extensive experience in implementing detection cameras for broth and fire detection. When projecting, we use the VDS 3189 as a guideline.

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