CSR Code of Conduct

Mactwin attaches great importance to corporate social responsibility. Our business operations therefore also focus explicitly on the well-being of people (inside and outside the company) and on a healthy environment.

Mactwin has drawn up a code of conduct in connection with CSR, which serves as the basis for the daily actions of the people in the organisation. The file deals with topics such as equal treatment, confidentiality and integrity, personnel policy and the environment. Acting according to the CSR principle is not a hollow concept for us, but actually delivers something. Think of innovative power, positive publicity, loyal staff and social goodwill.

Mactwin has developed its CSR program together with FIRA. We have made this transparent by publishing our programme in the CSR register of the CSR Register Foundation. All information in the CSR Register has been tested to ensure that the data is reliable. The register is closely aligned with internationally applicable standards in the field of sustainability, such as ISO 26000, AA 1000 and GRI. Mactwin is also a partner of MVO Nederland. MVO Nederland helps organizations to work more efficiently and effectively on sustainability.

Long-lasting security solutions

Mactwin not only strives for sustainable business operations, but also wants to realize as many sustainable security solutions as possible for its clients.

That starts with choosing sustainable products and suppliers. We only supply modern and open security technology that allows us to create smart connections that contribute to safer, more comfortable and more energy-efficient buildings. Mactwin also encourages clients to repair or upgrade systems and system components where possible, so that they have a longer lifespan. We call this refurbishing. We replace wear-sensitive parts after a number of years, so that the device can last for a long time. And if systems or parts do need to be replaced, we ensure that they are disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner.

LimitingCO2 emissions
By carrying out certain service activities remotely, we limit our CO2 emissions as much as possible. From our Mactwin Operation Center (MOC) we monitor the security systems and software of our customers and we can solve many malfunctions remotely. From the MOC, we also support our customers with application management, such as securing video images after an incident, card management, system configuration and management reports. Only when it is really necessary, we go out (well prepared and with the right parts).