In many sectors where flammable materials are used, the risk of heating and fire is real. Without timely detection and control, these problems can lead to significant damage. This article describes how Mactwin detects and combats heating and fire at an early stage.

Heating occurs when materials start to smoulder due to friction and heat build-up. If this process is not stopped in time, it can develop into a fire.

Rapid Detection

To prevent overheating, it is important that flammable materials are stored for as short a time as possible. However, it is not always possible, despite preventive measures, to completely prevent overheating. Every year, there are dozens of uncontrollable heating incidents where even the fire brigade is unable to quickly extinguish these types of fires, which start as a swelter.

Smoldering prevention solution

Mactwin’s solution combines reliable monitoring with fast response. Thermal imaging cameras detect both heating and flames and immediately sound an alarm in the event of undesirable temperature increases.

Fixed cameras

Mactwin deliberately opts for fixed thermal imaging cameras that continuously monitor the same area. This is in contrast to rotatable cameras, which only periodically scan an area. Because heating can quickly develop into a fire, the use of rotating cameras poses an unacceptable risk. By placing multiple fixed cameras from different positions, constant and reliable monitoring is ensured.

Automatic extinguishing

When heating is detected, the camera automatically sends an extinguishing monitor to the correct position to effectively extinguish the heating. With this, even a blowtorch doesn’t get a chance to develop. This automatic extinguishing function is the only effective way to intervene quickly and adequately. Preventing heating and fire requires more than just preventive measures. Fast and reliable detection, combined with automatic extinguishing systems, is essential to prevent major damage.

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