Camera system as an effective measure

Cameras are effective when you want to observe, identify or verify. You can also use a camera system to analyze events and use camera images for detection and to support evidence. Moreover, cameras increase the sense of security.

With over 35 years of experience, we know better than anyone how to select, implement and manage an effective and appropriate camera system. A camera system from Mactwin is guaranteed to provide you with high-quality – and therefore usable – imagery.

Video Management Software

Using Video Management software, you can view and store camera images centrally or in different locations.
Recorded images can be easily reviewed or secured via the Video Management Software.

More Efficient Operators with Video Content Analysis

Applying Video Content Analysis (VCA) within your camera system automatically triggers an alarm if the generated camera images meet certain set criteria. It gives your operators an extra pair of eyes, so to speak. They can do their job better and you need fewer monitors in the control room.

Stel uw vraag aan onze specialisten

Heeft u vragen over onze security oplossingen, dan staan onze medewerkers voor u klaar. Zij vertalen uw wens graag naar een passende oplossing.Â