In control with the Security Polygon Methodology

Defining and implementing effective cohesive security measures is complex and requires a significant investment in time and money. The Security Polygon Methodology allows you to solve your security issue efficiently and, most importantly, consistently.

Coherent and Balanced Measures.

The Security Polygon Methodology is a great tool when you want to classify your building into security areas based on the presence of valuable assets, information and/or processes in that area. By properly positioning the security areas in buildings and grounds, a layered security – aka “multi-layer of defense” can be built.

Within the Security Polygon Methodology, Best Practices have been developed for securing a particular type of zone (such as terrain, public, standard, secure and high secure) for a particular type of building. Indicated are the security measures to be taken to go from a standard to a high secure zone, for example. By applying the Security Polygon, you are assured of coherent and balanced measures.

Tool for security and facility managers

With the Security Polygon, you address your security issue in a very structured and consistent manner.
This assures you of coherent and balanced measures and keeps you in control when it comes to security.

Security Polygon is an ideal tool for the security and facilities manager, in part to:

      • design security measures for a building
      • to be used as a review framework during the preparation and implementation phases
      • communicate with users of premises regarding security of operations, processes and departments
      • create the necessary security awareness