Security measures assessed with audit
With a security audit, your security and safety measures are assessed and tested for compliance and effectiveness. Depending on your needs, our consultants set up new audits, optimize your existing audits, or perform audits using audit software. Fast and consistent. The software also allows us to create benchmarks comparing different audits over time and/or from similar sites.

Risk simulation:
The Trial
The Trial
A risk simulation is a specific form of audit (similar to the well-known penetration tests from the IT sector) in which different criminal attack scenarios are implemented. An expert and experienced test team from Mactwin conducts the simulation and assesses the extent to which the technical measures and the people in the organization do what they are supposed to do.
A risk simulation provides insight into the consistency of security measures taken and thus the actual security level of an enterprise.
Audit Storyboard
We can display the results and exact course of a risk simulation through an “Audit Storyboard” upon request. In it we detail, almost minute by minute, the course of the scenarios, the corresponding reactions of employees involved and the operation of the technology. Complete with a timeline, photos and possibly film footage. Thus, it is clear exactly when what happened and with what result.
For you, the audit storyboard can be an important tool to offer your (security) staff insight into where the so-called “weak links in security” are. This insight creates the necessary support for change or improvement.

Ask your questions to our specialists
In case of any questions, our staff is here to help. we are happy to tailor solutions to your specific needs. Feel free to contact us!