‘Smart’ cameras are widely known in the security industry. Nowadays, they are used not only for security but also for various other purposes. In this brochure, we explore the role of cameras in process monitoring in a manufacturing environment

24/7 in Control

Images for Process Optimization

Virtual rounds of the video security system offer a modern and cost-effective solution for zone surveillance. This technology uses camera infrastructure to perform a digital inspection of a site or building at set times. An operator views live camera images to check for irregularities or emergencies and can immediately call emergency services upon detection of an incident. This process significantly increases safety through proactive monitoring and rapid response to potentially dangerous situations.

Advanced Quality Control

In today’s manufacturing plants, cameras are used for quality control. With advanced software, they use this to control shape and color of products. When deviations occur, the production process can be automatically paused to detect and correct errors in a timely manner. Thanks to fast image refresh rates and light-sensitive sensors, these cameras are highly accurate.

linking with production systems ensures accurate footage


The power of AI and Video Content Analysis

Efficient Search

By integrating AI algorithms into video management systems, users can benefit from advanced analysis functions. These features include face recognition, object detection, and unusual activity detection, drastically reducing the time required to search through video footage for specific events. For example, this technology can automatically detect when an object has been left in a secure area or when a person enters an area where they should not be, without the need for a human operator to watch every frame.


Another aspect of smart search capabilities is the ability to index video footage based on metadata, such as date, time, location, and even on information obtained from interfacing with your production systems. This makes it possible to quickly retrieve specific moments, such as all the times a particular vehicle enters or leaves a site within a specific time period.

Virtual Rounds

Virtual rounds of the video security system offer a modern and cost-effective solution for zone surveillance. This technology uses camera infrastructure to perform a digital inspection of a site or building at set times. An operator views live camera footage to check for irregularities or emergencies and can immediately call emergency services if an incident is detected. This process significantly increases safety through proactive monitoring and rapid response to potentially dangerous situations.

Quality assurance

In today’s manufacturing plants, cameras are used for quality control. With sophisticated software, they control shape and color of products. In case of deviations, the production process can be automatically paused to correct errors. Thanks to fast image refresh rates and light-sensitive sensors, these cameras are highly accurate.