Detectors important Component Intrusion Detection System

If you want an effective intrusion detection system, there are quite a few choices to be made. Like which detectors are suitable for your situation. Detectors are designed to detect intruders early. The sooner an intruder is detected, the greater the chance that he will be apprehended before he reaches his goal.

Each detector has its own sensing / operating principle, specific application, advantages and disadvantages. There are detectors for indoor and outdoor applications.

Inbraakdetectie en inbraakprincipes

ODDR®: Effectively Protected

For effective intrusion detection, we distinguish the following stages: Organize, Detect, Delay ánd Respond (ODDR®). All these stages must be optimally tuned to each other, to be able to instantaneously detect and sufficiently delay, in case of an incident. This way, the response can be started from the moment of detection and within the delay time. ODDR®; is part of Mactwin BIESS™ Best Practices.

Perimeter Detection

Detecting often starts with the outer shell, as soon as somebody wants to enter the (company) grounds; so that unauthorized persons are detected as soon as possible. Preferably even before they get the chance to go inside a building. Mactwin offers several perimeter security systems.

An burried detection system is an invisible system that consists of pipes filled with a liquid, and sensors to detect vibration or pressure differences. With this system, an intruder almost certainly detected.

There are two types of free standing detection systems: a digital radar system and an active infrared system. These systems are characterized by their ability to detect movement at grouThere are two types of free standing detection systems: a digital radar system and an active infrared system. These systems are characterized by their ability to detect movement at ground level of targets such as an individual walking or crawling towards a facility. Such radars typically have ranges of several hundred metres to over 10 kilometres.

Fence detection systems usually comprise a sensor cable attached to a new or existing fence or wall, designed to detect intruders and provide early warning of an attack.

Manipulation of detectors can be counteracted

Some detection principles can be manipulated. Although this is not easy (as in the videos of BNN show), criminals that have sufficient knowledge of the detectors and their operating principles can do it, albeit with some effort.

Passive infrared detectors are the easiest to manipulate. For example by taping, hedging or spraying them. Fortunately, detectors with anti mask detection are available, like the PIR detector that continuously measures the light transmission of the display.

Ask our Specialists

If you have any more questions about our security solutions, our specialists are ready to help you. They are happy to translate these solutions to your specific situation. Feel free to contact us!

Erik Poulussen

Account Manager

Call Erik direct: +31 (0) 26 479 22 08