Intelligent Unlock 2: Self-Service Visitor Management

Suddenly, society came to a standstill.
We were asked to work from home as much as possible, shopping streets became deserted and sports clubs had to close their doors.
Fortunately, there are now fewer Corona infections and deaths and the strict measures are slowly being relaxed.
We are moving from an Intelligent Lockdown to an Intelligent Unlock.
However, we will have to keep the distance of 1.5 meters for a longer period of time.
But how are you going to do that in your organization or institution?

In this situation – in which we are all looking for opportunities for a 1.5-metre society – we use our expertise to make working and living together easier, better and safer.
In a series of short articles, we outline some examples of how you can use (your existing) security technology for this.
This article focuses on self-service visitor management.

In order to be able to keep the 1.5 meter distance from others, it is important that spaces and buildings in general do not become overcrowded. More than ever, we need to work with appointments and the reservation of time slots. For some organizations and professions, such as healthcare providers, lawyers, and notaries, this is already common practice. For some organizations and professional groups, such as healthcare providers, lawyers, and notaries, this is already common practice. With smart technology that we normally use in combination with advanced access control systems, you can easily organize this.

Hospitable and time-saving

The process of making appointments and receiving guests can be extremely time-consuming. By digitizing this process, for instance with self-service visitor management systems, you can save a lot of time while still warmly welcoming your guests. This could work as follows. Visitors receive an invitation with a QR code via their smartphone. This code only gives access to the building or site for a certain period of time and, if necessary, also to the parking facility. If the visitor arrives earlier, he/she will have to wait a while. If the appointment has to take place a little later due to the delay of previous appointments, the visitor will receive a real-time notification. With the QR code received, visitors can register at a self-service reception kiosk after entering. The hygiene guidelines can also be communicated via the screen in this kiosk and, for example, the visitor can be asked to disinfect his/her hands first. If desired, the system will automatically send a message to the host/hostess announcing the arrival of the appointment. An important advantage of self-service visitor systems is that the entire process is contactless for the visitor. Not only is the QR code offered contactless, the doors and barriers can also open automatically after verification.

Future-proof investment

With a solution like this, your organization can reopen and employees and visitors will feel welcome and safe.
It is difficult to predict how long this temporary ‘new normal’ will last.
We believe it is important that the investments made by organisations remain profitable in the long term.
Self-service visitor management can also be an interesting solution after the crisis that helps you optimize your visitor flows.

We like to think along with you! Do you have any questions or would you like to exchange ideas with us about this type of solution? We offer you the opportunity to speak for an hour, free of charge and without obligation, with one of our specialists. Remotely, of course. Our specialists can tell you exactly what the best solution is for your situation and challenge. Call for an exploratory meeting: (026) 479 22 33, mail to or visit our contact page.