
Security solutions improve efficiency industry

In manufacturing companies, it’s all about continuity and safety. Does something go wrong in the production process? Is the process in danger of stalling? Then that should be flagged immediately. Moreover, safety must be guaranteed. Of the process, but sometimes of the products themselves. As a result, manufacturing companies need reliable solutions like no other. Mactwin offers security solutions that not only improve security in and around your business, but also improve efficiency. They contribute to the optimization of your production and logistics processes.

Intelligent security solutions

Well-conceived, intelligent security solutions can optimize production processes. Mactwin integrates various security solutions, such as access control, intrusion protection, camera surveillance and fire protection, not only with each other but also possibly with your own systems for process monitoring or personnel registration. This creates a coherent, intelligent and efficient whole.

We deploy security technology to stop unauthorized entry, restrict access to certain areas, signal fire or demonstrate that your process complies with certain laws and regulations. Cameras we implement for security purposes or to monitor processes. For example, camera images are used in some industries to control machinery; more accurately than by the naked eye.

Fire-safe manufacturing

In many industries, there is an increased risk of fire and rapid detection is essential. This requires selecting fire detectors that are appropriate for the site conditions.
They must react quickly, even under the influence of dust or steam, for example. At the same time, the number of unwanted fire alarms should be
(due to this type of influence) are minimized. Knowledge
of industrial processes, conditions and type of detectors is at
Mactwin in ample supply.

Monitoring and optimizing logistics processes

Smart technology can help you monitor and optimize your logistics processes. License plate cameras recognize incoming and outgoing trucks.

With Guest Automator and a link to your own logistics and planning systems, fully automated access can be granted to the trucks or vehicles that are expected. A camera system can also be used to monitor dock shelters, take images of the finished product being shipped or show which goods were loaded into which truck when.

Card Management

Managing access passes or tokens can be a time-consuming task for large organizations. And small to medium-sized organizations are less likely to issue passes that prevent employees from interacting with the technology enough. As a result, they do not get used to the system and it costs them unnecessary time. Do you want your employees to be able to concentrate on their core tasks? We do this everyday. We are happy to take Card Management off your hands!

Food Defense

Food industry companies are required by recent laws and regulations to have a food defense plan. The goal is for these companies to make every effort to produce safe products. Food defense should not be confused with food safety. This relates mainly to HACCP requirements, while food defense relates security measures, such as:

  • site fences
  • controlled access to grounds, buildings and spaces
  • identification and registration of visitors, external service providers and transporters

Mactwin provides and maintains security measures necessary to ensure food safety as referred to in the food defense plan. We take into account that the security measures to be taken do not disrupt your production and logistics processes.

Ask your questions to our specialists

In case of any questions, our staff is here to help. we are happy to tailor solutions to your specific needs. Feel free to contact us!