Healthcare facilities and hospitals

Security solutions for healthcare facilities and hospitals

To provide quality care, safety in your facility must be assured and your staff must be able to respond appropriately to emergencies of any kind. It is therefore of (life) importance that you have reliable systems for security and alarm communication. Systems that alert you as soon as an emergency occurs and quickly provide your responders with all the information they need to act effectively. We are happy to delve into your situation and with our knowledge and experience, we come up with solutions that fit your situation, specific needs and budget. These are integrated solutions for critical communications, safety and (personal) security.

Solutions that optimize quality of care

Especially for healthcare institutions, Mactwin has solutions that help you optimize your quality of care and support your employees. The solutions are based on open IP technology allowing your existing or future healthcare, alarm, home automation and security systems to be connected.

For example, we can connect the nurse call system with video observation and access control system. But just as easily, the fire alarm system can also be connected to your NEN 2575 evacuation system and your FAFS system. In the event of an alarm of any kind, you can easily gather information, summon the right employees and have other systems – possibly automated – perform certain actions.

Through which means of communication does not matter, for example pagers or (smart) phones of different brands. Every activity is logged and available for reports, such as the history of alarm calls and acceptances or a summary of response times and their exceedances.

Complying with medical regulations
Naturally, these solutions meet CE marking medical devices class 1 in accordance with the Medical Device Directive (MDD), Dutch Medical Devices Act (WMH) and Medical Devices Decree (BMH) and are ISO 27001 and NEN 7510 certified.

Cost savings through Remote Management & Maintenance

From our Mactwin Operation Center, our experienced specialists support you in application management. For example, we can configure your systems, compile reports, add users, modify profiles or secure camera images. This keeps your systems at the desired level and in tune with your changing organization. So we not only take a lot of hassle off your hands, but also realize substantial cost savings.

From the Mactwin Operation Center, we can proactively monitor systems and software. This allows us to spot trends and sometimes even prevent failures. If a camera image drops out or a hard drive is almost full, we receive a notification of this and can take immediate (remote) action. Only when a failure cannot be solved remotely will we come to you. We will already know exactly what is going on. The specialist who comes to you will bring the right parts right away.

Stel uw vraag aan onze specialisten

Heeft u vragen over onze security oplossingen, dan staan onze medewerkers voor u klaar. Zij vertalen uw wens graag naar een passende oplossing.