Security solutions for government
Government as a target audience is incredibly broad. On the one hand, there are national and local governments such as ministries and municipalities. On the other hand, there are high secure institutions such as Penitentiaries, Houses of Detention, police stations, TBS/TBR clinics, etc. Whereas the former have an open, public character, the latter are closed and have high risk. They can be compared to a Cash Center, for example.
Public Character
The government has a public duty to perform, so many government buildings should be as accessible as possible to citizens. On the other hand, the government must also be able to ensure the safety of its employees and visitors. And openness must not lead to public property and confidential information being easily misappropriated. In addition, government buildings are regularly targeted by action groups and also (terrorist) attacks are a realistic scenario nowadays, as recent events in other European countries show.
High Secure Settings
For the more high-security government institutions, we call on our extensive experience with institutions such as Cash Centers and bank buildings. The big difference is that in this case no one is allowed to break out, rather than in. Using the proven Polygon Security Methodology, we also know how to shape the security in relation to the operational process unambiguously and at the lowest possible cost. We ensure that the various users of the institution (inmates, staff, visitors, suppliers, etc.) can perform their roles optimally and, moreover, safely 24 hours a day.

By implementing a central Security Management Information System , your security infrastructure can be managed. The system supports your security staff in making the right decision and performing the right actions at the right time, in the event of a security incident or crisis.
It can also significantly save you on operational security costs. To this end, we integrate access control, intrusion detection, camera observation, video analysis and other security systems into projects.

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