Explosion-proof measures against explosive cracking at jewellers

In recent weeks, two jewellers (in Amsterdam and Utrecht) have fallen victim to explosive attacks.
Criminals blew the fronts out of the shops with solid explosives.
The structural damage to both jewellers and the surrounding buildings is enormous.
Unfortunately, this type of attack is becoming more and more common.
And not just at ATMs.
Fortunately, there are solutions that can limit the damage and make it harder for criminals to get in.

Limiting the damage of an explosion

Of course, there are doors and walls that are resistant to the explosives.
However, these are quite costly and drastic measures.
Much less drastic are explosion-resistant slats, which can be placed in (existing) windows or shop windows.
They look and can be used as ordinary sun-resistant vertical slats, but also absorb the pressure wave of an explosion.
In the event of an explosion, the slats close immediately (on their own).
The window on the outside can break into thousands of splinters, the slats keep all these splinters and other debris out.
The slats are also very suitable for jewellers because – when closed – they form a barrier and thus stop intruders.

Rapid detection increases the chance of being caught

The biggest risk for the criminal is that he will be caught and severely punished.
In order to increase the chance of being caught and to be able to start police follow-up as soon as possible, it is important to identify an attack as early as possible.
With vibration detectors and (clearly visible) cameras, for example.
If the cameras are positioned correctly, then after an attack there are at least good camera images of the perpetrators and their preparations.
When a burglary report is reported to a control room, the control room can verify the report and forward it directly to the police.
They can then follow the burglary on screen via Live View .
This way, the police always have the most up-to-date information.
Of course, this is only possible if the cameras have not failed due to the force of the explosion…

Effectively secured with OSVO® If you want to be effectively protected against burglary, it is important to identify early and slow down intruders.
This allows for a quick follow-up and can prevent a burglary.
OSVO® is a model from Mactwin that can be used to design effective burglary protection.
The basic principles of OSVO;® are: signalling as quickly as possible, causing structural delays within the detection field of the signalling and following up within the delay time.
OSVO;® is part of Mactwin BIESS™ Best Practices.

Zone Security Slows Down Criminals

In addition to the explosion-resistant slats at the front of the building, it is also worth considering placing a second barrier a little further in the building – and only if your building is deep enough.
For example, in the form of an (explosion-resistant) roller shutter.
You can use the space behind this roller shutter to place the more precious jewellery and watches.
If the intruders do manage to enter the building, this extra barrier will cause them to be delayed again.
In addition to these delaying structural measures, it is at least as important to store the most valuable and therefore most attractive jewellery and watches properly after closing time in a certified burglar-resistant safe (room).
Logically, it stands behind the other barrier(s).
In this way, there are several security zones in the property; We call this compartmentalization.
Each transition (barrier) to the next zone further slows down the intruders.
Finally, a fog generator is also suitable for slowing down intruders.
This generator blows in so much fog in a short period of time that the criminals become completely disoriented and can no longer see what they want to steal.

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The measures mentioned above are just a few examples of the possibilities.
What is necessary and possible in your situation depends on your specific risks, circumstances and budget.
Our security experts can provide you with expert advice tailored to your needs.
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