René Janssen Steenberg 25 years of service at Mactwin

Today, 6 September 2018, René Janssen Steenberg has been employed for 25 years.
Started in 1993 as Jr.
Account Manager, he has now brought Mactwin to a higher level in all kinds of positions; in Sales, Technology, Service and since this year as Contract Manager.
Always positive, critical (not least of himself) and with an unparalleled focus on quality.
Enough reason to celebrate this today – in the presence of all colleagues and René’s partner – with the necessary stories, cake, flowers and gifts.
An employment contract of 25 years is certainly not self-evident in this day and age and we as Mactwin are very proud of this.
Together with René, we are confidently looking forward to the future, with all the highlights and challenges that await us.