Intelligent Unlock 4: Working safely alone

Suddenly, society came to a standstill.
We were asked to work from home as much as possible, shopping streets became deserted and sports clubs had to close their doors.
Fortunately, there are now fewer Corona infections and deaths and the strict measures are slowly being relaxed.
We are moving from an Intelligent Lockdown to an Intelligent Unlock.
However, we will have to deal with restrictions for a longer period of time and will have to work differently than before.
But how are you going to do that in your organization or institution?

In this special situation, we use our expertise to make working and living together easier, better and safer.
In a series of short articles, we outline some examples of how you can use (your existing) security technology for this.
This article focuses on working safely alone.

One of the pieces of advice we get is that we should work from home as much as possible.
And that’s what we do en masse.
The largest homeworking experiment ever started seems to be successful and the expectation is that the way we work will change permanently.
In any case, for the time being, there are far fewer people in the office, which means that there is a risk that people will be working alone in a building or part of it.
This brings with it new security risks and responsibilities.
Fortunately, there are smart, user-friendly solutions such as Symphia NowForce to protect your employees.
With Symphia NowForce, you can let your employees work alone with peace of mind; Your so-called lone workers are safe and feel safe.
This solution differs from the usual emergency call systems in that – in addition to an emergency button – it also has a ‘reverse’ function that allows employees to let them know every so often that they are still safe.
Symphia NowForce works via an app that your employees can install on their smartphone.
This is practical and user-friendly; No additional alarm devices are required.
The only thing the lone worker needs to do once they arrive on site is to activate the Symphia NowForce app.
No other local infrastructure is required.

Emergency button in case of an emergency

Depending on your business activity, anything can go wrong on location.
From an accident or a threat to someone becoming unwell.
Once the employee has activated the Symphia NowForce app, he can immediately press the emergency button, after which he will be contacted by the control room or someone from your own emergency response organization and the right help can be called in immediately.

Escort-me function

If your organization has to deal with specific risks, such as kidnapping or serious accidents due to working with certain machines, it is not always realistic that your employee can still operate the emergency button in emergency situations.
In those situations, it is better for your employee to let you know once in a while that he is still safe.
With the Escort-me function you can set the app to give a signal every so often (this is adjustable).
Then the lone worker has to let us know that everything is still good.
He does this by clicking a button in the app.
If the employee fails to do this – even after the reminders have been set – an emergency notification will be sent to the control room or emergency response organisation.
The moment your employee is on the road can also entail risks.
In that case, the escort-me function also offers a solution.
As soon as your employee leaves, they activate this feature and indicate how long they expect to be on the road.
This will start a timer for the entered time.
During this time, the control room can track your employee’s location live.
In case of emergency, the employee clicks on the emergency button.
When the timer is about to expire, your employee will be notified and will have to indicate whether they have already arrived safely or if the escort time needs to be extended.
If the employee does not report back, an emergency scenario is automatically triggered.

Future-proof investment

With a solution like this, your employees will feel safe if they have to work alone.
It is difficult to predict how long this temporary ‘new normal’ will last.
We believe it is important that the investments made by organisations remain profitable in the long term.
Symphia NowForce is more than a standard emergency response app.
You can also easily expand the software into an innovative and user-friendly incident response management system that allows you and all your employees to respond efficiently to incidents.

We like to think along with you! Do you have any questions or would you like to exchange ideas with us about this type of solution? We offer you the opportunity to speak for an hour, free of charge and without obligation, with one of our specialists. Remotely, of course. Our specialists can tell you exactly what the best solution is for your situation and challenge. Call for an exploratory meeting: (026) 479 22 33, mail to or visit our contact page.