Assess security measures with an audit

A Security Audit is used to assess whether your security and safety measures are effective and enforced. Depending on your requirements, we establish new audits, optimize existing audits or execute audits, using audit software. Swiftly and consistently. The software also allows us to make benchmarks that compare different audits (e.g. from other moments and/or locations).


To optimally unburden you, we offer security audit subscriptions. Based on collected data, we report the status of your security measures and functionality of your procedures. By using dashboards, we give you insight into trends and progress of improvement goals

Risk Simulation: the Proof of the Pudding:
de Proef op de Som

A Risk Simulation is a specific audit method (similar with penetration testing, or pentesting, in the IT sector) where several criminal attack scenarios are executed. Mactwin’s skilled and experienced test team will perform the simulations and assess to what extent the technical security measures and the people in the organization do what they should do.

A Risk Simulation gives you insight into the coherence of the available security measures and as such, into the true security level of the organization. After all, the proof of the pudding is in the eating…

Audit Storyboard

If requested, we can show you the results and the exact course of a Risk Simulation by means of an Audit Storyboard. This gives you a (nearly minute-to-minute) view on the course of the scenarios, the corresponding reactions of those involved and the operation of the technology. The Audit Storyboard comes with a time line, photos and sometimes also video. This proves to you exactly what happened when and with what result.

The Audit Storyboard can be a powerful tool to give your security staff the necessary insight into where the weak links in your security are. This will create support amongst your staff for required change or improvement.

Ask our specialists

Would you like to know more about our services? Or what we can mean for your organization? Please, feel free to contact one of our specialists.

Harold de Kruijs

Managing Consultant

Call Harold directly: +31 (0) 26 479 22 28